December 7

Are New Wells More Reliable?

If you’ve got a new well on your property, it’s easy to think you are set for a good long while. But are new wells more reliable than older wells?

Actually, no. When digging a new well, the rock formations which provides water bearing aquifers are fractured and disturbed by the physical drilling process.

Over 50 years of research proves that new wells fail as often as wells that are 5, 10, 20, or 30 years old. In addition, changes in underground aquifers occur naturally, and can eliminate the supply of water regardless of the age of the well.

The variable of factors in well stability make the WelGard® warranty essential to all homeowners.

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The Well Worth It Blog is all about residential wells, why we love them, and how to keep yours healthy and flowing clean, drinkable water for you and your family.


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